    HomeNewsRPG Persona 5 Royal brings the most royal engagement of all time...

    RPG Persona 5 Royal brings the most royal engagement of all time with ‘Meet the Phantom Thieves’ English Trailer

    A royal engagement came in a form of returning casts of the Phantom Thieves with Persona 5 Royal ‘Meet the Phantom Thieves’ introduction trailer by Atlus. Featuring returning casts including newly included student Kasumi.

    A royal engagement of the phantom thieves will steal your heart this coming March 31, 2020, for PlayStation 4 in America and Europe. Below are some of the screenshots featuring the new character Kasumi:

    For more of our previous royal coverage’s, check out the links below:

    He is actually very shy, introvert but no choice, have to go out to buy games. He likes food and food likes him. He somehow manage to find a job with the right time accommodate to gaming. He has a very short attention span, therefore has to finish a game fast or else a simple pun can distract him for the entire day. Yes a Pun, he loves puns as much as he loves games; easily distracted, whichever comes next.

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