    HomeNewsMobileTwin Character Classes Switch Platforms, Arrive On Popular MMORPG Black Desert Online...

    Twin Character Classes Switch Platforms, Arrive On Popular MMORPG Black Desert Online And Mobile Now

    Korean MMORPG developer and publisher Pearl Abyss’s first twin-class fighters, Maegu and Woosa, are now live and playable on Black Desert PC and Mobile. Woosa launched on Black Desert Mobile and Maegu arrived now on PC. Maegu originally was playable exclusively on Mobile, while Woosa was exclusive to PC in December 2022. Now Adventurers on both platforms can enjoy both!

    For more Woosa action, checkout this link provided

    The twins hail from the next forthcoming major expansion to Black Desert, “Land of the Morning Light.” The new region – centred around massive boss fights, huge new areas to explore and lots more – is expected to arrive in the first half of 2023.

    What’s New on Black Desert Online (PC):

    • New and veteran players can now explore Maegu’s unique fighting skills and her alluring fox powers. Maegu wields magic with deadly elegance to defeat her enemies with grace, power and skill.
    • A full breakdown of Maegu’s skills can be found here.
    • In celebration of Maegu’s arrival on Black Desert Online, players can now claim J’s hammer item using the coupon code MAEG-UWIT-HAHA-MMER on the official Black Desert website. A powerful fan favourite that’s nearly impossible to acquire, J’s Hammer safeguards a downgrade in enhancement levels for gear in case the enhancement attempt fails.

    Maegu – New Class Combat Trailer | Black Desert Online

    What’s New on Black Desert Mobile:

    • Players can now adventure as Woosa, who wields powerful elemental attacks and ancient Do Arts on Black Desert Mobile.
    • Additional detail on Woosa’s skills can be found here.
    • In celebration of Woosa’s arrival on Black Desert Mobile, players can now claim [Blessing of W] x3 and [Black Pearl x1000 Chest] x3 items using the special coupon code BLES-SING-FROM-WOOK on the official Black Desert Mobile Website.

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