    HomeNewsTales of Arise shares about mage Rinwell as well as new side...

    Tales of Arise shares about mage Rinwell as well as new side content

    Bandai Namco Entertainment has released the next character trailer for Tales of ARISE for Rinwell, a mage born in a family of Dahnan mages – she has the rare ability to cast elemental astral artes. Accompanied by her faithful friend Hootle, she fights against Renan oppression in Cyslodia. Based on the trailer below, she seems not only able to cast elemental magic but also dodges via teleporting out of thin air.

    New contents cutscene and sidequest in the Owl Forest:

    Source:XVII NAICHI & Ambassador Takanashi Kiara

    The game will be out on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and PC on September 10th worldwide.

    He is actually very shy, introvert but no choice, have to go out to buy games. He likes food and food likes him. He somehow manage to find a job with the right time accommodate to gaming. He has a very short attention span, therefore has to finish a game fast or else a simple pun can distract him for the entire day. Yes a Pun, he loves puns as much as he loves games; easily distracted, whichever comes next.

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