[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSwvI3qJ0YE&width=720&height=405[/embedyt]
In JUST CAUSE 4 variety and creativity is key and this video touches upon some of the many things players can expect from the game. JUST CAUSE 4 is the biggest, most varied and beautiful ‘Just Cause’ to date. There are more biomes, vehicles, and weapons than ever before, all set over the largest land mass ever seen in a Just Cause game. Solis is a rich and dangerous playground, as players explore the world they will uncover a plethora of secrets and surprises. This presentation shows just a small glimpse of this huge, varied world, revealing some creative opportunities and highlights another unique Extreme Weather event – The Lightning Storm.
JUST CAUSE 4 is a landmark entry to the series, releasing December 4th, 2018 on Xbox One, PC and PS4.