By February 6th, PlayStation players will be able to download and play these few wonderful titles such as Foamstars, Rollerdrome, and Steelrising during this holiday season. The main question is which would you play first?
Foamstars | PS4 & PS5
Foam up and enjoy this 4v4 online party shooter by shooting foams that either build terrain, create slippery surfaces to surf around the arena at high speed, help defend from enemy attacks, or create vantage points to take out opponents. Let the foam party begin.
Rollerdrome | PS4 & PS5
Or if you prefer to skate and shoot around via third person. This will definitely will be up your alley as the game blends combat with fluid movements and tricking mechanics to create an original adrenaline-pumping shooter experience like no other.
For more of our past reviews about it, check out the link here
Steelrising | PS5
If shooters aren’t your thing, then this may get you covered on the ARPG Solslike aspect in gameplay. Against mechanical soldiers, you will have to dodge, parry, attack and grapple your way through Paris.