    HomeNewsThe Making of Fallout 76 - Did you know that...

    The Making of Fallout 76 – Did you know that…

    This informative documentary was made by the talented folks over at No Clip. They make damn good documentaries on Video Games, 100% funded by the crowd and all their documentaries can be watched for free on YouTube.

    This documentary on the Making of Fallout 76 is informative for those who wish to know more about the game before it launches. Some of the details are already known but there are also some fun facts and information inside that hasn’t been widely circulated yet. I’ve been following Fallout 76’s news for a while now and I still found some new stuffs I didn’t know before I watched this video. The is a 40 minutes long video and I’ve summarized into “Point form” all the things I think you would want to know, just scroll down for them. I’m cool like that.



    Highlight Points for the super lazy! Scroll down some more for the full Documentary in Point Forms.

    1. Fallout 76 was designed at the same time as Fallout 4, in fact FO 76 was originally a Multiplayer Mode for FO 4, the mode’s design was too big however to be implemented into FO 4 so Bethesda Game Studio (BGS) decided to focus only on the Single Player in FO4.
    2. West Virginia has its own set of myths and they rank among the creepiest in America and Bethesda fully intend use them. There is the Grafton monster, a giant pale skinned headless horror. There is the Flatwood Monster with terrifying cowl and beady eyes. The Snallygaster, a dragon-like demon and The Mothman a winged beast with piercing red eyes.
    3. FO 76’s lore could not support the idea of having Raiders ( Human Enemey NPC ) therefore they had to implement a new enemy called the Scorched, a faction of inteligent ghouls. They are like feral ghouls but could use guns.
    4. There are at least 63 types of enemies (creatures, monsters,etc) including old and new ones.
    5. Bethesda have something very interesting going on at a Hotel Landmark in 76. This hotel is modeled after the Greenbrier Hotel, the original site of a Presidential Nuclear Bunker. Be sure to check it out!
    6. Public Workshops can be claimed by players after they defeat the residing monster in it. Engaging the Monster
      however could spawn a different event at the same time. claimed workshops would grant players access to resources.
    7. Part of the endgame require players to solve a series of puzzle leading to a nuclear launch code. The code launches a nuclear bomb against high rank monsters, killing them and irradiates the world.Irradiated area spawns new nuclear climate and higher level flora and fauna hence giving rarer drops. Nuked areas will recover over time and players will repeat again and depending on where they nuke, new monsters will appear due to the different flora and fauna in that area.

    The Full Documentary in Point Forms. In the order of which the video plays.

    At the early stage…

    1. Fallout 76 was designed at the same time as Fallout 4, in fact FO 76 was originally a Multiplayer Mode for FO 4, the mode’s design was too big however to be implemented into FO 4 so Bethesda Game Studio (BGS) decided to focus only on the Single Player in FO4.
    2. Bethesda’s parent company Zenimax opened a new studio (Battlecry) to assist on the MMO development since they had little experience in handling MMO Shooters. They hired people like Chris Mayer who had experience working on Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies and Doug Mellencamp who worked on Star Wars The Old Republic and Doom (2016) to expand into the MMO aspect.
    3. Instead of building cities for the game’s world like they did for the previous Fallout Games, BGS decided to go rural and headed west towards the vast wilderness of West Virginia.

    West Virginia and the game world.

    1. Ashley Cheng (Studio Director at BGS) confirmed the size FO 76’s map is 4 times bigger than FO 4’s.
    2. West Virginia was picked because that place is not likely to get nuked (in real life). Landmarks like Morgantown and Summersville Lake will be in FO 76
    3. West Virginia has its own set of myths and they rank among the creepiest in America and Bethesda fully intend use them. There is the Grafton monster, a giant pale skinned headless horror. There is the Flatwood Monster with terrifying cowl and beady eyes. The Snallygaster, a dragon-like demon and The Mothman a winged beast with piercing red eyes.
    4. Apart from being full of Monsters, the FO 76 world has more creatures in it too and more types of enlarged insects. There are also intelligent plants.
    5. According to Lead Animator Rick Vicens hopes to do different stages using The Mothman myth. Early in the game maybe Mothman will just be stalking players.
    6. FO 76’s lore could not support the idea of having Raiders ( Human Enemey NPC ) therefore they had to implement a new enemy called the Scorched, a faction of inteligent ghouls. They are like feral ghouls but could use guns.
    7. There are at least 63 types of enemies (creatures, monsters,etc) including old and new ones.
    8. The large map of 76 is divided into a half dozen of areas. Each with their own difficulty and environmental condition. The new dynamic weather system also impacts players gameplay, phenomenon like the Rad(radiation)Storm wards of expedition parties.
    9. Unlike the flat landscape system like FO4, 76 have a more complex landscape layout and players will have to navigate their ways by relying on landmarks.
    10. Bethesda have something very interesting going on at a Hotel Landmark in 76. This hotel is modeled after the Greenbrier Hotel, the original site of a Presidential Nuclear Bunker. Be sure to check it out!

    Gameplay Talks and Endgame Content.

    1. Public Workshops can be claimed by players after they defeat the residing monster in it. Engaging the Monster
      however could spawn a different event at the same time. claimed workshops would grant players access to resources.
    2. Crafting, crafting and crafting, expect a lot of that farming for materials too.
    3. Players will get mutated if exposed too much to radiation. Mutation comes with side effects that players could cure or gain permanently if they like the effects.
    4. Players can vend or trade in this game!
    5. Players get to pick a “Perk Card” each time they level up. The number of active perk card is limited but players within a party can share perk cards to gain more efficiency in their task.
    6. In-game voice chat, emote wheels and Photo Mode available.
    7. Deathmatch PVP games incoming!
    8. Part of the endgame require players to solve a series of puzzle leading to a nuclear launch code. The code launches a nuclear bomb against high rank monsters, killing them and irradiates the world.Irradiated area spawns new nuclear climate and higher level flora and fauna hence giving rarer drops. Nuked areas will recover over time and players will repeat again and depending on where they nuke, new monsters will appear due to the different flora and fauna in that area.
    9. BGS will continue to support the game (dlc) for free for years to come. Micro transactions is only for cosmetics.


    The Editor-Mischief, or if according to the signature in his email, 'in-chief', of Loves complaining about FIFA games but still buys them every year nonetheless. Prefer subs over dubs. Got his ass kicked in Bloodborne and swore never to play it again.

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