This Tokyo Game Show, XD Games shares the latest build of Etheria: Restart with the world. Featuring overhauled summoner combat that adds RPG depth to its turn-based combat, this stunning new adventure stole the hearts of players at the show
Visitors flocked to the booth to explore the world of Etheria, drawn by gorgeous visuals and glued to their seats by a gripping story.
More than just a beautiful RPG, Etheria: Restart tells the story of a world on the brink of collapse, it asks how far Humanity is willing to go to survive. Escaping to a virtual realm and leaving reality behind, players take on the role of a Hyperlinker as they desperately try to defend what remains of the Human race.
Combat is at the heart of Etheria: Restart and the developers have crafted a combination of turn-based strategy with summoning mechanics to create a blend of traditional RPGs and modern adventures that will enthrall players from the minute they step into the neon-soaked world.
Exploring this thrilling story an initial 5 chapters, players will meet memorable characters and embark on a journey that will stay with them long after they’ve left Etheria.
For a glimpse of what to expect, check out the Tokyo Games Show Trailer below.
It’s safe to say that Etheria: Restart will be a highly-anticipated title for many when it launches on PC and mobile. To find out more about Etheria Restart, you can check out the Steam page here.