    HomeNewsMetal: Hellsinger VR Is Now Also Available For PSVR2 And Steam

    Metal: Hellsinger VR Is Now Also Available For PSVR2 And Steam

    After having released on Meta Quest on the 26th of September, the critically acclaimed rhythm FPS gone VR is now available for PSVR2 and Steam.

    Metal: Hellsinger VR is now available on PS VR2! Step into the body of the Unknown in full VR and become a true demon of vengeance. Experience the smash-hit rhythm FPS like never before and enter a state of unparalleled flow. Show the Hells the meaning of metal.

    He is actually very shy, introvert but no choice, have to go out to buy games. He likes food and food likes him. He somehow manage to find a job with the right time accommodate to gaming. He has a very short attention span, therefore has to finish a game fast or else a simple pun can distract him for the entire day. Yes a Pun, he loves puns as much as he loves games; easily distracted, whichever comes next.

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