    HomeNewsIsometric Narrative-Driven Tactical RPG Arcadian Atlas Available Now On PC

    Isometric Narrative-Driven Tactical RPG Arcadian Atlas Available Now On PC

    A throne betrayed, ties broken, lives changed. The stunning isometric TRPG Arcadian Atlas is available now on PC from Serenity Forge and Twin Otter Studios for $29.99. The broken land of Arcadia, and who will control it, is in your hands. Arcadian Atlas will launch on consoles later this year. Purchase the game on Steam now with a 15% launch discount. The release was accompanied by a new trailer giving players a sneak peek into the world they’ll be changing forever alongside the deep strategy gameplay they’ll need to master if they hope to come out victorious:

    Arcadian Atlas is a unique, narrative-driven isometric tactical RPG set in Arcadia, a nation tearing itself apart via political factions and treacherous intrigues just as ancient evil forces begin to awaken. With a queen willing to do anything to ascend to the throne, no one is safe.

    In order to save Arcadia, players need to build an elite party of adventurers from more than 12 unique classes, each with their own custom skill trees and equipment ranging from potion-brewing apothecaries to magic-channeling warmancers. Strategic, turn-based battles will determine the fate of both the kingdom of Arcadia and its people. Every single action counts: just one wrong move could tear your party and the land itself apart for good.

    The stunning pixel art of Arcadian Atlas pairs with a rich story that will push players into tough, emotionally driven choices and send them down an unforgettable path. No one is safe now that the Atlas, a power that can change life in an instant, has been unleashed.

    Arcadian Atlas is available now for PC and is coming to consoles later this year. For more information about Arcadian Atlas, please visit The official website

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