With the series of Succession updates ending last week, Black Desert SEA is offering a wide range of events to help Adventurers continue progressing with their characters. Starting March 11, they can find various in-game opportunities to obtain valuable items and rewards that can be used to enhance their powers.
Hot Time Event.
The well-known Hot Time event will run until March 25, but this time the event offers remarkable buffs. Adventurers can receive up to 150% Combat EXP and 30% Skill EXP during the week, while 300% Combat EXP and 40% Skill EXP will be offered during the weekends.
Marni’s Stones.
Moreover, Adventurers can collect Marni’s Stones, which they can exchange for two Shakatu’s Seals per stone. By completing Challenges and participating in the Marni’s Stone Event, they can earn up to 28 Shakatu’s Seals until March 25. Those who are level 56 and higher can exchange their seals for valuable items such as Cron Stones and Valk’s Advice.
Monster-Hunting Aid.
The Monster-Hunting Aid Arrives Event will also run until March 25 where Adventurers can claim special items and buffs just by logging in. The rewards will be given for every 30 minutes of gameplay and up to a maximum of two hours.
Adventure Event
Last but not least, the Black Spirit’s Adventure Event is returning this week! Adventurers can now test their luck and get rewards by rolling the dice in the upgraded board game.