Players who are familiar with Destiny will quickly understand how important it is to participate and complete a Raid. It is after all where all the best goodies are rewarded and where the toughest part of the game lies. When the Leviathan Raid came online globally on 13.9.2017 (1am @14.9.17 in Malaysia) everyone knew the race had just begun. It wasn’t a simple race to just determine which is the fastest team to complete it, it was a showcase of Strength, Endurance, Determination and above all else, Teamwork. For Malaysian guardians however the race was over at 9.11PM of 14.9.17 when one small team triumphed over others to seal their place as the fastest Malaysian Team to complete the Leviathan Raid.

This is the story of Nothing Better to Do 2.0 clan, who they are and how they did it. We conducted this interview over a cup of good coffee. (I drank mine from my place and he drank his from his place, we did this over email)
ZoziVora –
Congratulations for being the first to complete the raid! Must be one hell of an experience but first, tell us about your clan bro! How did you guys started? Who started them? Who are you people? Speak!
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
Nothing Better To Do (NBTD) was founded by HypoGXII (Gokul Krishnan) back in 2014 back in Destiny 1 and co-founded by myself, Narash25 (Narash Kumar) and Lycanire (Gerard Pragasam) from Malaysia. Ever since then the 3 of us have participated actively in all Destiny 2 events together and help other clan members in Raids, Nightfall, Trials, etc. We had members from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand back then. I actually met HypoGXII and Lycanire in CoD : Ghost Extinction from a random match-make and we have been good friends ever since. In Destiny 2 however, we’ve recently gone through some re-structuring and renamed to Nothing Better to Do 2.0. Gokul Krishnan is 28 this year and work as a Medical Officer, soon to be a surgeon. Myself is 25 and runs my own business and Gerard Pragasam 20 is pursuing Veterinary Science. The average age of our current clan members is 20-35

ZoziVora –
Did you guys aim from the beginning to be among the fastest Malaysian Clan to complete the
Raid? You guys look prepared.
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
Well we’ve been trying be Malaysia’s 1st since Destiny Year 1 but we always end up using the LFG for our team so we didn’t manage to form a solid team who could stay patiently throughout the raid but this time around we found 3 solid members from LFG for our 1st Leviathan run who patiently stayed with us to beat the raid.
ZoziVora –
What time did you guys started Raiding? What was everyone’s Power Level then?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
We started as soon the raid launched which was at 1AM but we started using the LFG for members at 11PM just to make sure we all could communicate and sync well. We felt prepared in the sense where all of us in the Fireteam were 295+ power level, armed with suitable loadout. We set a requirement where members should be 290+ power level to take part with us in the raid, we wanted to be in higher light (Power Level) than the Raid required light so that we could tank more damages in the raid.
ZoziVora –
How long did you guys take to complete the Raid?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
It took 8 hours to reach the boss because we wasted a lot of time on “Pleasure Garden” (dog phase) that took almost 5 hours to beat. Unfortunately, we Malaysians had to back out because we were super exhausted and slept for few hours to prepare ourselves to complete the raid. After refreshing, we LFG again for 3 new members for the boss part and it took 1 hour to beat it. We started our final run around 7.30pm – 8pm. I was hoping that Malaysian Destiny players wouldn’t beat the raid before us so I posted a screenshot after completion just to make sure if we secured the 1st spot and apparently, we did!

ZoziVora –
What was the most challenging part of the Raid in your opinion? How did your team tackle it?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
The most challenging part of any raid in destiny is TIME ZONE. It’s a struggle to stay up till late to get the raid done. We always plan to finish the raid in one go without backing out but somehow, it’ll be too late for us to proceed in the raid. We pledged to complete the prestige mode at one go because we’re super motivated right now after securing the 1st spot. We’ve easily completed 5 runs of raids on the 1st week itself carrying friends and new members. The challenging part in Leviathan raid is definitely “Pleasure Garden” (dog phase), it’s tricky how the game mechanic tests your patience and your team’s while strolling around the garden to dispose charges. And also, those who stayed in the shadow phase during the final fight was challenging because they had to evade running onto certain platform after 1st damaging phase. We tackled most of the hold ups by communicating and allowed ourselves to take in other players opinion on the mechanics
ZoziVora –
Oh wow nice, how was the team spirit half way through the Raid? Did the team leader give any
inspiring, spirit lifting speech?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
As for our Fireteam of 3 LFG members and NBTD members, we were pretty motivated to finish this raid. When a person dies, we don’t discourage them or rage at them, we go like….”Its ok, we got this”.
ZoziVora –
How did the team feel or reacted when you guys took the boss down?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
It was an unbelievable feeling to get the Boss down so quickly with a new LFG team and most of us screamed our lungs out because of the exhilarating feeling whenever you beat a Raid Boss for the first time and of course we were so eager to see our end raid loots! It’s all about loots man!

ZoziVora –
Congratulations again man, well deserved, any tips you guys wanna share with new Raiders out there?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
PATIENCE! That’s the number 1 key to beat this raid and communicate with other members but try not to interrupt when someone is doing a “Call-out” because that may confuse other players and eventually lead to failures. Know when to talk and don’t rely on other member’s DPS, do your best. If you can’t handle then call out for help..
ZoziVora –
Thanks for the time man, say if anyone wants to Raid with your team or join your Clan, how do they contact you bro?
Narash25 – NBTD2 Co-Founder
You may contact via FB (Narash Kumar) or Bungie.Net / PSN (Narash25) . Currently the clan is open so you may join without notifying us. As I mentioned earlier, we’re in the midst of expanding our clan with more Malaysian members. In exchange, we do carry run for leviathan raid for those new members who wish to join us. And, we are undergoing training for Prestige Mode for Raid and we will try our best to complete the raid on the 1st run and be the Fastest Team in Malaysia to complete Leviathan on Prestige Mode.

So, there it is, behind the curtain with NBTD2, the first Malaysian Team to complete the Leviathan Raid! It was hard enough to raid with a full team of 6 players from the same clan, yet these guys did it with only 3 with the help of 3 more strangers. If you think you are as hardcore as them and have an equally heavy set of balls made of steel then be sure to contact Narash25 (PSN) to join the “Nothing Better to Do 2.0” clan!
At the end of our session, Narash took time to remember the 6 strangers they met on LFG and gave his thanks to them,” Without them we wouldn’t have completed this Raid“. He also paid tribute to his buddy Gokul who figured out how most of the Raid mechanism work.
Not forgetting their roots and those who vouched for them, Narash tearfully said “I would like to thank the Malaysian Destiny Community for the overwhelming support they gave us.”. Okay I was joking, we did this interview over emails so I wouldn’t know if he was crying, but yes, those words are from him.