    HomeNewsGameplay Overview for Dark Devotion

    Gameplay Overview for Dark Devotion

    Publisher The Arcade Crew and developer Hibernian Workshop have announced their 2D action adventure game Dark Devotion for current gen consoles and provide a look with a Gameplay Overview video.



    Put your faith to the test

    As a Templar, test your faith while exploring a mysterious fallen temple. Dive deep into the deep darkness that may reveal the truth which may question your very existence. Spanning over 4 unique worlds and environment, wield many weapons as you discover the Temple’s secret. All the while the dark bosses and enemies are hellbent on damning your soul forever.

    Seek salvation with these key features:

    • Multiple weapons, armour types, magic spells and items which may alter your fighting style
    • Only able to equip one item at a time, manage it wisely
    • Seek dynamic and strategic combat as you study your enemies movement
    • Seek blessings or curse which is practically buff or debuff
    • Rich storylines with books found in the library, allowing players to form their own theories about the temple
    • Certain enemies drop blueprint for crafting purposes
    • Branching paths without backtrack
    • Beware of traps and precipices (fall damage)
    • Find hidden path, wall or secrets for unspeakable treasures
    • Enemies killed will drop corrupted faith for upgrading skills
    • Over 100 different effects
    • No procedural generation, level are handcrafted and fixed allowing players to learn from their mistakes (however with optional paths for different environments)
    • Conquer 20 boss battles


    Although it has been announced for PC via steam for April 25, 2019. PlayStation 4 and Switch will follow suit at a later date. Stay tuned once launch dates are confirmed for both consoles.

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