    HomeNewsSpelunky 2 : Announced for PS4 and PC

    Spelunky 2 : Announced for PS4 and PC

    A new trailer recently showed by developer Mossmouth for a sequel to the Spelunky Series. Set a few years after the first game where our unnamed spelunker had a family and a daughter. Well, you guessed it right, his daughter Ana Spelunky took up the mantle to be the next spelunker with her friends. You will be able to play as her or her 3 other friends (via multiplayer options) as Roffy D.Sloth, Margaret Tunnel, and Colin Northward.



    Expect this roguelike platformer to be out by 2019 for PC and PlayStation 4. Further confirmation will be updated.

    He is actually very shy, introvert but no choice, have to go out to buy games. He likes food and food likes him. He somehow manage to find a job with the right time accommodate to gaming. He has a very short attention span, therefore has to finish a game fast or else a simple pun can distract him for the entire day. Yes a Pun, he loves puns as much as he loves games; easily distracted, whichever comes next.

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