    HomeNewsIkai - First-person psychological horror game set in a feudal Japan is...

    Ikai – First-person psychological horror game set in a feudal Japan is coming to Steam in 2021

    Independent game development studio Endflame has released the demo of Ikai a few days ago, their upcoming first-person psychological horror game set in Feudal Japan, coming to PC via Steam in 2021.

    The story of Ikai revolves around the spirits of the past and the present of Naoko, the priestess of a temple. The thin limit between the world and the underworld had broken and you must seal it back.

    Nothing bad will happen in Ikai if you do not disturb the devil. Experience the horror of old superstitions by the hand of Yokai’s –Japanese folklore monsters, ghosts and spirits– as you explore a haunted medieval shrine.

    • Experience the horror of old superstitions by the hand of Yokai’s (Japanese folklore monsters, ghosts and spirits)
    • Explore a haunted medieval shrine
    • Stay calm under pressure to write protective seals with brush and ink
    • Be silent, do not disturb the evil
    Kelvin is one of the many in our team who repeatedly ignores the advice to write his own bio. Left with no choice, his Editor had to write one for him. Kelvin is the Chinese William Shakespeare of video games, whatever he says or do is never straight to the point. You are in a furious gunfight with an enemy faction and you need more ammo, expect Kelvin to recite a poem or two first before finally realizing you are half-dead, surrounded, helpless, disappointed, the list can go on really. In his free time, he likes to play carefree games (Those games made for children above 2 years old but below 7). The Mr Philosopher of BunnyGaming.

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