    HomeNewsFade to Silence: Overview Trailer

    Fade to Silence: Overview Trailer

    The overview trailer comes from publisher THQ Nordic and developer Black Forest Games on their upcoming game Fade To Silence. The game puts gamers into Ash’s shoes pushing his way around a cold, harsh post-apocalyptic world where you need to survive corrupted nature and monsters as well while protecting your daughter Alice.


    Freezing features:

    • Explore vast eternal cold winter through dense forest, areas and rivers
    • Free Wolves for your sled for a faster or longer journey
    • Recruit followers to help rebuild the village, or better gear access
    • An alternative exploration mode to explore your story at your own pace


    Help protect his daughter on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, today as the game is slated to release on April 30, 2019.

    He is actually very shy, introvert but no choice, have to go out to buy games. He likes food and food likes him. He somehow manage to find a job with the right time accommodate to gaming. He has a very short attention span, therefore has to finish a game fast or else a simple pun can distract him for the entire day. Yes a Pun, he loves puns as much as he loves games; easily distracted, whichever comes next.

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