    HomeGadgets & Techvivo Y100 5G In Orange Leather Is Coming To Malaysia Soon

    vivo Y100 5G In Orange Leather Is Coming To Malaysia Soon

    vivo Malaysia has announced that the vivo Y100 5G in striking Orange Leather edition will arrive on Malaysia’s shore in May 2024. The Orange Leather edition was announced back in February 2024 under the tagline “That’s Y100 Fun,” it’s a fashion statement that embodies innovation and enjoyment, especially for youth.

    The vivo Y100 5G, adorned in a vibrant and luxurious Orange Leather, stands out with its bold and innovative design, exuding a sense of confidence and charm. This captivating hue not only grabs attention but also mirrors the personality and discerning taste of its owner. The high-quality leather of the vivo Y100 5G offers a soft, delicate texture, ensuring a comfortable grip for everyday use. The Orange Leather edition of the vivo Y100 5G is a true symbol of modern luxury and cutting-edge technology, making it the ideal companion for those who value both style and functionality.

    No pricing has been released yet for the Orange Leather edition of Y100 5G but stay tuned for more updates once it arrives.

    An old school gamer who plays every genre of games. Prefers games which are unique and innovative instead of just pretty looking. All he wants is content, content, content..... The more the better.

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