    HomeNewsTotal Tank Simulator, the Physics based WWII battle game is available now...

    Total Tank Simulator, the Physics based WWII battle game is available now Steam

    Total Tank Simulator, the physics-based WWII battle simulation game developed by Noobz from Poland and published by 505 Games is available now on PC via Steam.

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    Blending strategy and tactical gameplay with first-person shooter elements, Total Tank Simulator is a unique offering with many ways to play and engage across three game modes. In each mode, players strategically place and deploy military forces from a selection of more than 200 units on one of 50 completely destructible maps. Once a battle begins, players can watch the physics-based simulation playout before them. Players who prefer to be in on the front-line action can also take control over and switch between individual units on the battlefield in first-person perspective at any time, including tanks, soldiers, planes, and more!

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    • Campaign Mode: Take on the role of a commander of one of six nations (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, and USSR) through a series of battles on maps across inspired by pivotal moments in world history. Use funds and research points won in battles to acquire new units and build your strength.
    • Sandbox Mode: Simulate battles on any available map and unleash creativity and imagination at your own pace.
    • Shadow Mode: Challenges players to overcome their previously successful deployments, with each new win resulting in difficulty as players learn to strategize against themselves.

    Total Tank Simulator is available now on Steam for USD 17.99 / MYR 49.99. There will be a limited time 10% off offer for the first week of launch.

    Kelvin is one of the many in our team who repeatedly ignores the advice to write his own bio. Left with no choice, his Editor had to write one for him. Kelvin is the Chinese William Shakespeare of video games, whatever he says or do is never straight to the point. You are in a furious gunfight with an enemy faction and you need more ammo, expect Kelvin to recite a poem or two first before finally realizing you are half-dead, surrounded, helpless, disappointed, the list can go on really. In his free time, he likes to play carefree games (Those games made for children above 2 years old but below 7). The Mr Philosopher of BunnyGaming.

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