110 Industries hacks and slashes in a grisly new Tokyo Game Show trailer for Wanted: Dead, revealing the sheer brutality that the game has to offer. Launching for PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S & PC on February 14th, Valentine’s Day 2023, the trailer indulges us with a closer look at the game’s stylish high-octane combat mechanics, multiple mini-games, spectacular John Wick-esque style finishers, and slick, limb-severing swordplay, accompanied by a seriously killer soundtrack.
Source: OnPSX
Wanted: Dead will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show from September 15th – 18th for the first time in Japan as both media and the public will have the opportunity to go hands-on with 110 Industries and Soleil’s new hybrid slasher/shooter, from the makers of Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. Developed by Japanese studio Soleil and inspired by combat systems found in titles like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Wanted: Dead unveils a brutal blend of relentless melee sword combat, thrilling gunplay and a unique limb severing system to deliver a deep action title to really raise the blood pressure.
Players will gear up to take on the duties of Lt. Hannah Stone, stepping into a dark and deadly vision of cyberpunk Hong Kong as leader of the “Zombie Squad”, an elite team who work outside the purview of the traditional police force. You will become enthralled by Stone’s devastating hack-n-slash combat skills that combine style and substance, delivering chilling slow-motion sequences and bone-shattering, limb-severing mechanics.
Relax and slow things down from the adrenaline-pumping combat, take a stop at the Atomic Heart diner for your date with death. The diner provides a place for Lt. Stone to recover and recharge as she consumes food and drinks for buffs that will help her on her deadly missions while giving us players the chance to get to know the eccentric cast of characters that comprise her team.

We are excited to showcase Wanted: Dead at Tokyo Game Show this September, following our debut at gamescom and PAX West – Our new Wanted: Dead Tokyo Game Show trailer perfectly captures the adrenaline fueled madness that will leave you gunning for more, we can’t wait for you to hack-n-slash your way through Wanted: Dead on Valentine’s Day 2023. We are stealing this holiday for ourselves.
Sergei Kolobashkin – Founder and Creative Director at 110 Industries