Capcom revealed the next title update 13.5, Master Rank Kulve Taroth and Arc-Tempered Namielle will be available for fellows hunter to hunt and get RICH!!! as well as forging new armor and weapons. The update will be available on the coming 23rd April on all platform consoles and PC together.

By Darren
Master Rank Kulve Taroth and AT Namielle is coming!

Seek "quality" and "perfection" when gaming, no matter what class/heroes he use, will master it and always and always will be in front line of battle which lead to 2 outcome: alive (showing off how great he is), dead (noob that why, laugh by team mates) every heroes/item/weapons he use eventually become memes or nerf by developers. (mercy, hanzo) happy go lucky and freedom is all he seek.