    HomeGadgets & TechHow Samsung is Revolutionizing Gaming Visuals with HDR10+ GAMING

    How Samsung is Revolutionizing Gaming Visuals with HDR10+ GAMING

    HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology has already transformed the way we watch movies and TV shows, and now, thanks to Samsung’s efforts, the same visual advancements are being applied to video games through HDR10+ GAMING. This technology is reshaping the gaming industry by enhancing visual quality and offering both game developers and players a more immersive experience.

    Samsung Newsroom interviewed Bill Mandel, Vice President, and Steve Larson, Senior Manager at Digital Media Solutions, Samsung Research America, to discuss how HDR10+ GAMING is revolutionizing gaming visuals.

    HDR for Gamers and Developers

    While HDR has become a standard in film and television, its application in gaming has been more limited. Game engines typically have color management systems, but the lack of direct communication between screens and game engines has required users to manually adjust their displays.

    To solve this issue, Samsung Research America developed HDR10+ GAMING, which automatically adjusts HDR settings based on the capabilities of the screen. This results in a superior visual experience with accurate color, contrast, and brightness.

    “HDR10+ GAMING creates a direct line of communication between the screen and the game engine,” Larson explained. “The screen can now understand what the game engine is doing, and the game engine knows what the screen can display, producing a much better visual output.”

    “It’s all about making colors true to the vision of the video game creators,” added Mandel.

    Simplifying the Process for Developers

    Game developers have long sought technology that could overcome HDR’s limitations in gaming.

    “The need for this technology came directly from game developers who wanted their games to look as good as possible across different monitors,” said Mandel.

    “We designed our specifications to be straightforward for developers to use without imposing a heavy burden,” Larson continued. “Once integrated into a game engine, it can be applied across any game built in that engine, simplifying the adoption process industry-wide.”

    A Seamless Experience for Gamers

    One of the main benefits of HDR10+ GAMING for players is the elimination of manual display calibration.

    “HDR10+ GAMING simplifies the process by automatically adjusting settings, ensuring the best picture quality without hassle,” said Mandel. “Gamers can now enjoy a consistent visual experience across platforms, whether on TVs or gaming monitors.”

    Larson added, “When activated, your device automatically identifies HDR10+ GAMING as an available option in compatible games, with no need to adjust settings.”

    Expanding the Gaming Industry’s Capabilities

    For game developers, HDR10+ GAMING is free to implement and requires only the right application programming interface (API) for integration into existing game engines.

    In September 2023, Samsung partnered with NEXON to launch the world’s first HDR10+ GAMING title, The First Descendant. Samsung also showcased its latest Odyssey OLED gaming monitors with HDR10+ GAMING at Summer Game Fest, demonstrating how this technology can enhance the visual experience in games like Red Dead Redemption 2.

    Samsung’s collaboration with CD PROJEKT RED on Cyberpunk 2077 further illustrates the technology’s impact, bringing the game’s Night City to life with unparalleled detail. The ease of implementation was highlighted by CD PROJEKT RED, who integrated HDR10+ GAMING into their game in just half a day.

    The Future of HDR10+ GAMING

    Samsung aims to expand HDR10+ GAMING across more game engines, including niche ones. The company is actively collaborating with major studios to incorporate the technology into their proprietary engines.

    “Through partnerships with game companies, we will continue to expand the HDR10+ GAMING ecosystem, ensuring richer gaming experiences,” said Mandel.

    As HDR10+ GAMING is free to use, Mandel anticipates broader adoption across the industry, leading to more consistent and immersive gaming experiences with minimal setup.

    “Expect big things to come!” Mandel concluded.

    Seek "quality" and "perfection" when gaming, no matter what class/heroes he use, will master it and always and always will be in front line of battle which lead to 2 outcome: alive (showing off how great he is), dead (noob that why, laugh by team mates) every heroes/item/weapons he use eventually become memes or nerf by developers. (mercy, hanzo) happy go lucky and freedom is all he seek.

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